So, after some googling, I found out that this is quite a common problem. Various sources state that it is caused by the digestion of both protein and carbohydrates at the same time. Here's a link to one of the forums I read.
Most of the sites say that the solution is beano before, or gas-x after eating. I'll be trying those this week. For those who are seeking a more natural solution there are also teas to try. Fennel or Peppermint tea seem to work best. I'm not really a tea person, but I may give peppermint tea a try.
Todays New Food/Ingredient: Agave Nectar
I just made my own yogurt! Well, I just "flavored" my own yogurt.
The "recipe" is just approximations, but it was so good, I have to share it.
Cherry Almond Yogurt:
8 frozen dark sweet cherries
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon agave nectar
I used my Magic Bullet blender, because I like that I can pretty much eat straight out of the cup.
Pulse until the cherries have been pulverized. Add yogurt, almond extract, agave nectar, and blend until smooth. I garnished with almond slivers. Yum!
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