Friday, March 26, 2010

First Impressions

Well, when I started on Tuesday I weighed myself. 209.9 ICK. That means I've gained 10lbs since losing 30 on weight watchers. Lots of math here. I know I should only weigh myself weekly, but I couldn't resist yesterday morning (Thurs). And after only 2 days on the diet, I have lost 2 pounds (207.9). It took everything in me not to weigh myself this morning. But perhaps I will weigh again tomorrow.

My personal training sessions this week were a little bit easier. Either Tracy went a little easier, or I'm getting better, or my two in-between sessions of cardio really helped out. On Monday night before the (haha wouldn't it be funny if I referred to the time before eating clean as BEC, and since starting to eat clean as AEC...) we played a few games. I really like the game push-pull where we use those stretchy exercise ropes (Resistance Bands?) and looped them together and pulled against each other then turned around and pushed against each other. It was fun and unpredictable. We also sat on our Bosu trainers (like a stability ball but with a flat bottom) and tossed a 6lb weighted basket ball varying leg positions. I like the games a lot.

I haven't had ANY High Fructose Corn Syrup this week. It's crazy how many things it's in. I've also managed to DRASTICALLY reduce my sugar intake. I don't eat anything with added sugar in it, or at least I try really really hard to avoid it, except for one thing: ice cream. I am in love with Breyer's All Natural. It's so good. It's like how I remember ice cream used to be. But last night I ate some and had an instant sugar high and crash. I haven't felt that in awhile. But, regardless of the high/crash, I need my ice cream. It's so yummy.

Yesterday I had a lean turkey burger (the patty's made by Jennie-O). It was super easy to cook. 5-7 minutes on each side, from frozen, and they are ready to go. I actually cooked them in a foil packet, so cleaning was a synch. Chopped some garlic, sprinkled some olive oil, fresh ground pepper and sea salt. Then I put it on my whole wheat, whole grain bread, topped it with fresh sliced tomato, onion, and pickles. And then, for a treat I added just a tablespoon of A1. A1 contains no HFCS, but does contain Corn Syrup, not the best, but worth it.

Anytime I start to miss processed food, I remember how good all that fresh, clean food is, and how good I feel after eating it, and how good I'm GOING to feel when I'm lean and fit.

So that's where I'm at.

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