Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Physical Nutrition and Spiritual Nourishment

I've recently realized some interesting correlations between physical nutrition and spiritual nourishment. And since I'm linking this site to others, where people may not be aware of my diet changes, I will go ahead and reiterate a few things.

I've started to "Eat Clean" which means getting rid of all high fructose syrup in your diet, limiting simple, refined grains and sugars, and purging yourself of all processed and packaged foods. Tosca Reno, the author of the book The Eat Clean Diet and the face of Eating Clean, refers to these foods as "Anti-Food" because of its lack of life-sustaining nutrients and abundance of calories, fat, and sodium. When one consumes "anti-foods" they think they are supplying their bodies with adequate nutrition, when in reality they are only supplying it with the bare minimum to keep the body building cells.

The primary purpose of eating, in fact, is NOT to stave off hunger, but to supply the body with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and of course water, to build cells. Hunger, is virtually a symptom of starvation, of your body's need for nutrients to build cells. Since anti-foods do not have the proper balance of nutrients and is filled with non-nutrients, they are converted to fat that the body stores. In fact, the body thinks it is starving because the cell production is in fact starving. The good cells in our body are starved for proper nutrition. So our body craves. And because we've been conditioned to think that sugar is a nutrient, thats what we feed it again.

And the real problem with anti-food is that it supplies the body with something we all like. Instant Gratification. Sure, along with instant gratifcation comes the impending crash. After such a sugar high, the bodies insulin levels rise and then fall, in the worst case resulting in a diabetic coma, but typically just resulting in sluggishness or grogginess. But that's what more sugar is for. In fact, now there are supplements and "medications" just for that feeling. Products like Nodoze, 5-hour Energy, and Red Bull, all exist because of our cultures dependency on instant gratification food.

But when you supply your body with a balanced mixture of lean protein and complex carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and plenty of water at regular intervals of 2-3 hours, HUNGER STOPS. Cravings Stop. Fullness and vitality, energy and wellness start.

Now, lets compare this to religion and spirituality. How much "anti-food" are we feeding our spirits? In fact what is the "anti-food" of our spiritual bodies? Entertainment like television, movies, and music? Activites like sports, shopping, and sex? Material things like clothing, cars, houses? All of these are forms of instant gratification that sate our tastebuds, perk up our emotional insulin, and can result in devestating crashes.

I would even go so far to say that "Christian" entertainment, activities, and material objects can be forms of "anti-food." Really, it depends on how these things are used. It's not that all these things are bad. And in moderation some of these things are necessary (unlike high fructose corn syrup). But if one is properly nourished, cravings won't occur, or will occur with less frequency.

So the question becomes what would happen if we found real spiritual food, and fed ourselves every 2-3 hours? What kinds of changes would occur? When I switched to Eating Clean, just two months ago, I began losing weight. I've lost a little over 10lbs and a few inches. My once tight pants are now loosening, and I'm feeling more confident about my appearance. What kind of parallels could be found in the spiritual body? Would our spirits lose the weight of depression, low self esteem, and stress?

Of couse, throughout this process, there have been symptoms of detox. Headaches and digestion issues have tempted me to stop. What kinds of spiritual headaches could happen? Then there's peer pressure. It's awkward enough having to explain my new diet to my friends and family. What about explaining religion and spirituality? And of course there's also the sheer inconvenience of it all. It takes a lot of work to change. A lot of planning has to happen on a daily basis to make sure that I have everything I need to get me through the day. I carry larabars (awesome, awesome fruit and nut bars!), and if it weren't for having a full-sized refrigerator at work, I'd be lugging around a cooler all day. Imagine how much less fun it would be to lug a bible? (Of course, with my iPhone, I pretty much have a bible with me at the touch a screen...) But I think these downsides are worth it, at least as far as my diet is concerned. And they may very well be worth it spiritually.

In reality, I believe that the Eat Clean lifestyle can set an example for your whole life. Once such a major lifestyle change has happened, one can see how easily changes can be made in other areas of ones life. Just think about what would happen if you applied this way of change to other aspects, housekeeping, bill pay, homework/studies, work, exercise, and of course your spiritual walk with God.

Monday, May 17, 2010


It seems like the past week has been really tense. And not the stress type of tense. The bloated, gassy type. ICK. I get incredibly bloated after pretty much every meal. And considering that I eat every 2-3 hours, that equals out to just about all day. No fun.

So, after some googling, I found out that this is quite a common problem. Various sources state that it is caused by the digestion of both protein and carbohydrates at the same time. Here's a link to one of the forums I read.

Most of the sites say that the solution is beano before, or gas-x after eating. I'll be trying those this week. For those who are seeking a more natural solution there are also teas to try. Fennel or Peppermint tea seem to work best. I'm not really a tea person, but I may give peppermint tea a try.

Todays New Food/Ingredient: Agave Nectar

I just made my own yogurt! Well, I just "flavored" my own yogurt.

The "recipe" is just approximations, but it was so good, I have to share it.

Cherry Almond Yogurt:

8 frozen dark sweet cherries
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon agave nectar

I used my Magic Bullet blender, because I like that I can pretty much eat straight out of the cup.

Pulse until the cherries have been pulverized. Add yogurt, almond extract, agave nectar, and blend until smooth. I garnished with almond slivers. Yum!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Clean Eats on the Cheap

OK. We're broke this week. (But by choice, because I decided I really wanted to spend $150 on concert tickets to see Jewel... !!!!)

Luckily, my pantry & fridge are well stocked, so I've been making things stretch. But when it came to dinner time I was a little worried. My friend brought in a tv dinner for lunch that looked really yummy, but was full of sodium and preservatives. Eeek. So to the grocery I went. Her dinner had penne pasta, marinara sauce, broccoli, and grilled chicken. A couple of weeks ago I cooked up a bunch of chicken breasts, so I didn't need any of that.

At first I grabbed some tomatoes, carrots, and onions inspired by the Eating Clean mag's Chicken Pomodoro recipe, but it quickly added up to $10+, a little more than I wanted to spend being super-broke. So I headed to the pasta aisle in hopes of finding something that would be relatively clean. The first 6 jars I picked up had sugar in the ingredients, including the generic organic brand. Finally I found a brand that worked!

I found this at our local discount grocer, Shop 'n Save. It's available at Jewel-Osco, Acme, Albertsons, Cub Foods, among other places.

For a 1/2cup serving there's only 90 calories, 6g fat (0 trans) and 2g fiber. The only downside is the 380mg of sodium, but for the price ($2.88 I think) it was well worth it. I ended up also buying their spicy Arrabiata sauce as well. I'm going to be cooking that up with some lean bison meat. Hopefully Dan doesn't get Pasta-ed out...

Weigh In: 199.9 Whoo-hoo! Goodbye 200lbs.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Traveling & Caffeine

I suck at travelling. I don't make good choices and I succumb to peer pressure. Pizza? Sure. Steak? Abso-freaking-lutely. Ice Cream from Braum's the best ice-cream store in the world. Why not? Thank god no one offered me a donut. I did make some decent breakfast choices. A piece of toast with St. Dalfour Conserves, and some scrambled egg whites. A breakfast power sandwich from Panera/St. Louis Bread Co. But I also skipped some meals... SHAME!

But I didn't skimp on my water intake. I just kept chuggin it. And I worked out a TON. I've been cleaning my grandmothers house, so for 3-5 hours a day I hauled, swept, threw, and carried pile after pile of junk to the truck and then to the dump. My obliques got quite the workout.

I've found that most essential to this diet, or any diet really, is a well-stocked kitchen. The very first thing I do when I arrive in Tulsa is go grocery shopping. I buy fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, my favorite peanut butter, and lean meats. I can't imagine being able to do this without a kitchen. But I'm sure it could be figured out.

Also, on the trip down to Tulsa, I was driving late at night and worried about falling asleep. So I got one 12oz glass bottle of full sugar, full caffeine Mt. Dew. Followed by a 12oz can. Followed by a 20oz plastic bottle. All in all it was 44 oz of syrupy craziness. When we arrived in Tulsa at 1:30am I was still buzzing and couldn't fall asleep until 4am! While the caffeine did keep me alert, it also kept me up super late and my whole sleep schedule was thrown off. I didn't wake up until 11am the next day, a big change from my usual rising time of 7am. And I still feel groggy and all out of whack.

Weigh in: 201.0 - despite travelling I managed to lose 3 pounds. I guess all the work paid off!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

THIS is healthy!?!?!?!?

That's what my husband said to me last night. I served up a ground pork mixture with roasted red potatoes. It had zucchini, red pepper, corn, peas. onions, paprika and garlic of course. It took about forty minutes, with most of the time spent chopping because I suck at it. I got the pork, extra lean, from Whole Foods. It was the first time I'd ever cooked with ground pork and it was really really good, although I think this recipe could have just as easily been made with turkey. I over-cooked the potatoes a little, but that's ok really. I HATE tough skins on potatoes.

Needless to say, Dan loved it. His reaction was seriously "THIS is healthy!?!?!? We've been missing out!" It's nice to know that the food that I spend time and energy on keeps him so satisfied. Not only does it taste unbelievably good, it's also good for us and leading us to find our slimmer, healthier selves.

I got to try Goat Cheese for the first time. YUM. Fattening, so use sparingly. Also, this is the first time I've ever liked zucchini in anything. It makes me feel bolder, and more confident when it comes to cooking it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Energy & Bee Pollen

I can't believe how much energy I have. It seems that no matter what task I have at hand, I always have the energy, both mental and physical, to complete it. I'm still a little sleepy in the morning, but I'm hoping that's just been because I am sick. Yesterday when I woke up though, I wasn't sleepy at all.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping for nearly six hours, from 11am to 5:30pm with an hour break for lunch with the hubs, Dan. I went to Sam's Club for a few of my bulk items. I scored some freshly frozen green beans and freshly frozen broccoli florets. I'll let you know how those taste. I also went to Whole Foods, and our local bargain grocery store Shop N Save.

Then I managed to squeeze in a car wash and stop in at work to pick up some dog food.

When I got home, I cooked cleaned out my fridge and threw out all my unclean/anti-food. Miracle Whip, Ketchup, barbeque sauces, ranch dip, tartar sauce... ice cream... It all had to go. Then I cooked dinner: Salmon. I was under the impression that salmon was difficult to cook. But it was actually REALLY easy. 12 min in the oven at 350degrees. On the side was a corn saute (made of roasted red peppers, corn, and onion) and a black bean salsa with tomatoes onion, garlic, cilantro and lemon juice. I took the recipe from this months Clean Eating magazine. YUM.

After dinner more cleaning commenced! This time I attacked my pantry. I boxed up half a dozen hamburger helpers, pasta that wasn't whole wheat, more ketchup, more dressing, Crystal Light (because I'm avoiding aspartame too), and those ready made soups and chilis that dominated my life not so long ago.

All the while I was multitasking! I was boiling eggs and grilling up a dozen chicken breasts for the week, washing dishes (GOD I NEED A DISHWASHER!), and jamming to my favorite music. But seriously, I just kept going. Sure I was tired, but it was more like the fatigue you get from a good workout. And whenever I thought surely I'd run out of energy soon, I just kept going. My brain was firing away too.

Favorite Product of the Week:
St. Dalfour Fruit Conserves (I like the strawberry)

This is exactly what I've been looking for! A little runnier than typical jams, jellies, and preserves, but with NO added sweeteners. It's 100% fruit. So it's a clean option for when I'm really craving a PB&J or toast
and jam.

Favorite New Food Ingredient:

This is what I attribute my energy to. Collected from the bees before they enter the hive, this is actual pollen that's mixed with tiny bits of honey left on the bees legs. It tastes a little like honey, a little like flowers/pollen. But it's a complete protein, with a bit of a sweetening affect on your food. I mix it into my oatmeal, which I eat at least 5 times a week. Start off slowly, with about 1/4 teaspoon, and increase the amount up to a couple tablespoons if you want. It's also been known to increase libido in some.

Weigh in: 204.6

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok. I'll be honest. Disgustingly, shockingly honest, because that's how I roll. As recently as a few weeks ago I used to drink nothing but diet Pepsi. And I would drink 2-4 LITERS a day. I would bring a 2L to work and drain that then when I got home my husband and I would split one or two additional 2Ls for dinner. And I was always thirsty. And my lips and mouth were always dry. And I can't fathom how much money we spent on pop. (yeah I'm from OK and I say pop). It was very similar to a smokers pack-a-day habit. And I was always tired, so groggy, even after my 32oz cup was emptied.

When I went Clean I switched to water. I've been drinking somewhere around 3L of water a day and I'm loving it. I don't want pop. When I drink it I feel dried out crash pretty shortly after from the caffeine. So I'm a water baby now. I bought a groovy little water bottle from Target (photo to come later), and I take it with me everywhere.

Of course, it can get a little boring to only drink water for some. Not for me, really. I really like water. Always have. I don't even know why I stopped drinking it. But when I'm craving a little variety I drink the Sobe LifeWater drinks that have no sugar in them (the ones with the white label - the ones with the darker label have both Sugar AND Erythritol/PureVia). They are really tasty. And I also buy the Simply line of fruit juices. They come loaded with sugar so I usually dilute them a bit. I do about 2/3 juice 1/3 water and stir it up really well. I'm looking into making my own infused waters. We'll see.

The upsides though, to the water vs pop debate are that my skin is insanely soft. It's a wonder to me that all these people find topical creams and potions to treat the symptoms of dehydration instead of treating from the inside out. A friend of mine touched my arm the other day and actually commented on how soft my skin was. The first of many diet-related compliments, I hope. The other upside is one I really didn't expect. When I'm groggy in the morning, I perk up MUCH faster with a glass of water than I did with pop. As the ice-cold liquid hits my stomach I get a little burst of energy. I feel rejeuvenated. And everytime I take another sip I feel crisper, cleaner, and healthier. I know I'm doing the right thing for myself.

Weigh In: 206.1 (almost 4lbs lost in 2 weeks)